#1371 - Rebus Math Riddle

What does this maths rebus means ?

Rebus Math Riddle

absolutely not

#1372 - Easy Maths Rebus Riddle

What does this rebus riddle means ?

Easy Maths Rebus Riddle

To Infinity and beyond

#1373 - Solve Mathematical Problem

There are two insects on a tile. Insect X is sitting on one side of the tile (point A) and Insect Y is sitting opposite on the other side of the tile (point B). Now both of them decide to change their position and thus X starts crawling to point B and Y starts crawling to point A. When they meet and pass each other in between, X takes 20 seconds to reach to B and Y takes just 5 seconds to reach A.

Can you calculate the total time each of the insects took to change their positions?

Solve Mathematical Problem

Assume that P is the speed of Insect X and Q is the speed of Insect Y.
Let T be the number of seconds it takes them to cross paths.
Now Distance = Speed * Time

Thus for Insect X
Distance = P * T before meeting
And Distance = P *20 after meeting

For Insect Y
Distance = Q * T before meeting
And Distance = Q * 5 after meeting

Now the distance travelled by X before meeting is equal to the distance travelled by Y after meeting and vice versa

P * T = Q * 5
And Q * T = P * 20

Solving both equations, we get T = 10

Thus Insect X requires 10 + 20 = 30 seconds,
Whereas Insect Y requires 10 + 5 = 15 seconds to change the position.

#1374 - Hard Chess Count Puzzle

Can you count the number of rectangles in a chess board ?

Hard Chess Count Puzzle


#1375 - Hard Mathematics Expression Puzzle

You are given with six numbers – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can arrange them in any order and you can use all the four mathematics expression i.e. add, subtract, multiply and divide and also parenthesis. The result must be 278.

There are three other rules
1) You can only use a number once.
2) It is not compulsory to use all the six numbers.
3) You can't join numbers i.e. you can't use 1, 2 and 3 as 123.

Hard Mathematics Expression Puzzle

(1 + (3 + 4*5)*6)*2

There can be more than one possibilities.

#1376 - Worlds Best Paradox Riddle

Outside a tattoo artist's shop there was a signboard which read 'I make tattoos on only them who do not tattoo themselves'.

Reading it what do you think, does the tattoo artist tattoo himself ?

Worlds Best Paradox Riddle

Well this is a paradox sentence which does not have any specific answer.

#1377 - Water Jug Puzzle

There are 4 water jug – A, B, C and D.
One can fill 3 litres in A, 4 litres in B, 5 litres in C and 5 litres in D. Container A and B are given to you empty and C and D are fully filled with water.

What you have to do is fill the water jug A, B, C and D with ascending or descending order.

Water Jug Puzzle

A – 0, B – 0, c -5, D – 5

Pour C into B
A – 0, B – 4, C – 1, D – 5

Pour C into B
A – 0, B – 4, C – 1, D – 5

Pour half of B into C
A – 0, B – 2, C – 3, D – 5

Pour D into A
A – 3, B – 2, C – 3, D – 2

Pour A into B
A – 1, B – 4, C – 3, D – 2

Pour half of B into D
A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, D – 4

#1378 - One Line Trick Riddle

Irene killed hundreds of people mercilessly and yet the police was not able to put her behind the bars. Why ?

One Line Trick Riddle

Irene was a hurricane.

#1379 - What Are They Riddle

Solve the following riddle

They do not possess flesh or feathers or scales or bone
But still they are blessed with fingers and thumbs of their own.

What Are They Riddle

They are gloves

#1380 - Funny Puzzle Question

You visit a friend's place and are offered an apple that seems so delicious you can't resist to take a bite. But when you do that, you find a worm in the apple. Still you are relieved of one thing as you know it could have been even worse.

What could have been even worse ?

Funny Puzzle Question

If you found a half worm, that would have been worse.