#1591 - Clockwise Word Riddle

If you read clockwise, you can form a word by inserting three missing letters in the picture.Can you do it?

Clockwise Word Riddle

The missing letters are L, A and E.
The word is EVALUATE.

#1592 - Find Ages Puzzle

Aditya is 45 years older than his son Atul. If you find similarities between their ages, both of their ages contains prime numbers as the digits. Also, Aditya age is the reverse of Atul age.

Can you find their ages ?


2, 3, 5 and 7 are the only single digit prime numbers.
Now we can list the possible combinations of age:
Aditya = 32, Atul = 23
Aditya = 52, Atul = 25
Aditya = 72, Atul = 27

Now, the third one meets our requirement.
72 - 27 = 45

Thus Aditya is 72 years old and his son is 27 years old.

#1593 - Confusing Lost Chocolates Puzzle

Alex bought 150 chocolates but he misplaced some of them. His mother asked him how many chocolates were misplaced and he gave the following answer to her:
If you count in pairs, one remain
If you count in threes, two remain
If you count in fours, three remain
If you count in fives, four remain
If you count in sixes, five remain
If you count in sevens, no chocolate remain.

Can you analyze the statements and tell us how many chocolates were lost?

119 chocolates were lost.

#1594 - Distance Tyre Maths Problem

A man always keeps a spare tyre in his car. To make full use of all the five tyres, he changes the tyres in a manner that for a distance of 1, 00,000 km, each of them runs the same distance.

Can you calculate the distance traveled by each tyre in that journey ?


We need to calculate the 4/5th of the total distance to solve the problem.
4/5 * 1, 00,000 km = 80, 000 km

Thus, each tyre traveled 80, 000 km.

#1595 - Find The Number Puzzle

There is a square of a particular number which when doubled, becomes 7 more than its quarter.

Can you find the number?


Let the number be m, then the square will be m^2
According to question:
2m = (m/4) + 7
=> 8m = m + 28
=> m = 4

m^2 = 4^2 = 16.

The required square is 16.

#1596 - Classic Two Bottles Pill Puzzle

You have two bottles of pills marked with the label A and B. The pills are identical. The doctor has asked you to take one A pill and one B pill daily. You cant take more or less than that.

While taking out the pills one day, you took out one pill from A and by mistake took out two from B. You have no idea which pill is which now.

You cant throw away the expensive pills. What will you do now?

Cut each of the three pills in half and put each half in two piles. Now, each of the two piles will contain half of pill A and two halves of pill B.

Take one pill A and cut into half and put the two halves in the two piles. Now, each pile will have two halves of pill A and two halves of pill B which means one pill A and one pill B. You can take one pile today and one pile the next day.

#1597 - Math Number Series

5, 16, 49, 104, ?


Pattern is +11, +33, +55, +77

#1598 - Brain Twist Math Equation

Can you write a mathematical expression having a value of twenty four, that uses three equal digits, none of them being eight.

22 + 2 = 24

#1599 - Smallest Number Problem

There is a number which when you multiply by 3 and subtract 2 from the result, then the resulting number is the reverse of the actual number.

What is the smallest number that stands true on the statement?

The number is 28.

28 * 3 - 2 = 82.

#1600 - Hard Decipher Rebus

Can you decipher below rebus ?


Mixing business with pleasure.(PbLuEsAiSnUeRsEs)