#1601 - Disabled Person Winner Riddle

In a competition, the contestants had to hold something. When the winner was announced, he was a physically disabled person. How can this be possible?

The contestants had to hold breath and the disabled person could hold it for longest.

#1602 - Replace Question Mark Picture

What number should come in place of question mark?

Replace Question Mark Picture


Interchange the digits in the square. You will find that all these number are squares of some or other number. Now, the number inside the circle is the sum of square roots of the numbers in squares.

In the 3rd diagram, 61 = 16 and square root = 4
90 = 09 and square root = 3
18 = 81 and square root = 9
94 = 49 and square root = 7

4 + 3 + 9 + 7 = 23.

#1603 - Akbar Birbal Riddle

Once while in his court, King Akbar asked Birbal to write something on a wall that makes one sad when read in good times and makes one happy when read in sad times.

He took only a few moment and wrote something that fit the requirements. What did he write?

He write:
The time will pass soon.

If you read this line in happy times, you will be sad because you would want the happy time to last forever.
If you read it in sad times, you will feel happy, as you will feel optimistic about the future.

#1604 - Short Story Birbal Riddle

A man was convicted of a minor offense in Akbar court. Akbar decided to give him a chance. He asked him to give a statement. If the statement is true, he will be killed by lions and if it is false, he will be killed by trampling of wild elephants.

The convicted person requested help from Birbal and since the crime was not a big one, Birbal decided to help him. Whatever Birbal suggested impressed Kabir and he let the convicted person go.

What did Birbal suggest to the person?

The statement was "I will be killed by trampling of wild elephants."

Now if the statement is true, he should be killed by lions but then the statement will become false.
If the statement is false, he will be killed by trampling elephants, which will make the statement true.

#1605 - Stupid Liquid Riddle

How will you make an air conditioner, a parrot, a refrigerator, and a table liquid?

By selling them.

#1606 - What I Am Riddle

As easy as you can get into me, it is as hard to get out of me.

Do you know what I am?

I am trouble.

#1607 - Family Relationship Riddle

P is the father of Q and S is the son of R. T is the brother of P and has a daughter U. If R is the sister of P, then what is the relation between U, Q and S?

Parent of Q is P.
Parent of U is T.
Parent of S is R.

This means that T is P is brother and R is P is sister.

Thus, U, Q and S are cousins.

#1608 - Missing Number Series

Can you find a pattern and find the missing number in the series given below?
84, 155, 258, ? , 584, 819.


4^3 + 3^2 + 4 = 84
5^3 + 5^2 + 5 = 155
6^3 + 6^2 + 6 = 258
8^3 + 8^2 + 8 = 584
9^3 + 9^2 + 9 = 819

Therefore the missing number is:
7^3 + 7^2 + 7 = 399.

#1609 - Who Killed Billy Puzzle

Billy "The Knife," the infamous tough guy, was found murdered one night in an alleyway behind the nightclub he used to frequently visit. The police brought in three suspects on the next morning. One of the officers interrogated the three men and noted down the following statements.

1. I did not kill Billy.
2. Jimmy is not my friend.
3. I knew Billy.

1. I did not kill Billy.
2. Alex and Dexter are friends of mine.
3. Alex did not kill Billy.

1. I did not kill Billy.
2. Alex lied when he said that Jimmy was not his friend.
3. I do not know who killed Billy.

Only one of the three is guilty, and only one of each man statements is false. Who killed Billy the Knife ?


It is not Alex because if it was, Alex 1 and Jimmy 3 would both be false, which would make Alex 2 and Jimmy 2 both true which is a contradiction.
It is not Dexter because if it was, Dexter 1 and Dexter 3 would both be false, which is not possible.
Therefore, it must be Jimmy.

#1610 - Hourglasses Measure Puzzle

How will you measure 15 minutes using two hourglasses of 7 minutes and 11 minutes respectively?

Let the hourglass with 7 minutes timeframe be x and the hourglass with 11 minutes timeframe be y.
Turn x and y together.
After seven minutes, turn x.
After 11 minutes, turn x again.
Now it will take 4 minutes for x to stop.
At that moment, you would have calculated 15 minutes.