#1691 - Find The Distance Puzzle

Two friends P and Q live near each other home. They both start driving towards each other at a constant speed. Both of them Meet 500 yards from P house. When they reach each other house, they start driving back and this time, they meet 300 yards away from Q house.

Can you find out the distance between P and Q ?

Let us assume that the distance between P house and Q house be D.
Upon their first meet, P has traveled 500 yards.
Thus the distance traveled by Q = D - 500.
Calculating D as a multiple of 100 to simplify the equation
=> Speed of P / Speed of Q = 5 / (D - 5)..... (a)

Upon their next meet, P has traveled (D - 500) + 300
Distance traveled by Q = 500 + D - 300
=> Speed of P / Speed of Q = (D - 2) / (D + 2) ..... (b)

When we equate (a) and (b)
5 / (D - 5) = (D - 2) / (D + 2)
D = 12

Therefore, the distance between P and Q house is 1200 Yards.

#1692 - Dice Probability Sum Six

Can you calculate the probability of getting a sum of six when a dice is thrown twice?

Event = {(1,5) , (2,4), (3,3), (4,2), (5,1)}
Therefore, P (getting sum = 6) = 5/36

#1693 - Rebus

Decipher below rebus.


In between jobs

#1694 - Send Ring Safely

Shane and Rose are madly in love with each other. To remind Rose of his pure love, Shane wants to send her a ring through post but in their country where burglary is quite prominent, any package that is not locked comes under the risk of being stolen for the contents.

Shane and Rose possesses many padlocks but neither one of them has the other key.

Can you find a way Shane can send the ring to Rose safely?

Shane can use a lockbox that can hold two locks. Shane will put the ring in the box and lock it before sending to Rose. When Rose receives the box, she can add her lock to the box and send it back to Shane.

Upon receiving the box back, Shane can simply take off his lock and send it to Rose again.

#1695 - what number comes next in the sequence

Checkout the number list below and find what number comes next in the sequence ?

111 , 113 , 117 , 119 , 123 , 137 ?


Its a sequence on prime number(post number 100) + 10.
7 prime number after 100 are listed below.
101 , 103 , 107 , 109 , 113 , 127 , 131

Our solution is 131+10 => 141

#1696 - World War One

Two mates Timon and Pumba were talking about their families. Timon told some nice stories concerning his unafraid grandfather who fought for the Kingdom in "World War One". Timon told that his grandparent is so brave that he was awarded a bravery medal with words "For our unafraid troopers In war One" embedded into it.

Pumba is aware of that his friend is lying. How ?

World War One was named only after World War Two

#1697 - Count Legs Puzzle

A calamity took a toll on 100 people who were brought to the same hospital. Out of the 100 patients, a few had lost their one leg. From the rest of the patients, half lost both their legs.

Can you calculate how many legs in total do the patients have now?

This is a simple problem that can be solved using average.

The average number of legs per patient who lost one leg is 1.

In the remaining patients, half people dont have a single leg and half have 2 legs. Therefore, the average leg per patient is 1 in this case as well.

Therefore, in total, the average number of legs per patient is 1.
Since there are 100 patients, the number of legs = 100.

#1698 - Correct Matchsticks Equation

Remove two matchsticks to make below statement true.

Correct Matchsticks Equation

Solution is solved below.

#1699 - Pizza Price Problem

In a pizza parlor, you have to pay a certain amount to add extra toppings. Now the price for toppings are given in a pair below. Can you find out what each topping costs?

Corn & Jalapeno $7
Mushrooms & Extra Cheese $6
Paprika & Tomatoes $2
Onion & Jalapeno $5
Green chilly & Paprika $4
Tomatoes & Onion $3
Extra Cheese & Paprika $5

Please note that the toppings are priced w.r.t. whole dollar increments (no fraction prices).

We know that each topping is round priced to whole-dollar increments.

Now if you see the price of Paprika and Tomatoes i.e. $2, you know that they both must be priced $1 since we cant go into fractions.

Now, you need to apply simple mathematics to find out the price of the remaining ones. For example
Extra Cheese + Paprika = $5
Extra Cheese + $1 = $5
Extra Cheese = $4

Using this way, you will find our the prices are as follows:
Tomatoes $1
Paprika $1
Green chilly $3
Onion $2
Extra Cheese $4
Mushrooms $2
Jalapeno $3
Corn $4

#1700 - John Watson Time Puzzle

The train leaves from New York City every 40 minutes from Boardman station. A man told John Watson that the train had left 15 minutes ago and the next train to New York City will leave at 9:40 p.m.

At what time, man convey this information to John Watson?

Time of John Watson last missed the train = 8:40 PM - 40 min = 8:00 PM As this information has been given to John Watson 15 minutes after the train has already left, the man gave the information at 8:00 p.m. + 15 min = 8:15 PM