#1701 - Spatial Science Riddle

We have four gears with below features=> Both Gear A and D has 60 teeth=> Gear B has 40 teeth=> Gear C has 20 teeth=> Every two minutes, Gear B makes 25 full turns.What is the relative speed of Gear A and Gear B?

Spatial Science Riddle

Both A and D will rotate at Same speed. Gears of the equal size will rotate at constant speeds despite or any sized gears in between them.

#1702 - Algebra Rebus Riddle

Can you decipher below algebric riddle?

Algebra Rebus Riddle

One for all or all for one.

#1703 - Quick Thinking Question

Neha is twentieth from the bottom in a queue of 100 girls.
What is her position from the top of the queue ?

The position of girls higher than queue is: 100 - 20 = 80.
Thus, position of Neha from the top = 80 + 1 = 81.

#1704 - Science What Am I

I am the child of the water, yet when I return to the water, I die.
What am I?


#1705 - Find Hacker Statement Riddle

Chelsea football website was hacked by one of the players. Jose, the coach of Chelsea has shortlisted five players as the possible hacker.
Each suspected player made three statements from each suspected player and out of which two are true and one is false.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I know nothing about hacking.
C) Costa did it.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) The website was attacked by one of the players.
C) I hate Shelly

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I have never seen Oscar in my entire life.
C) I am sure Costa did it.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I am sure Oscar did it.
C) Terry was lying when he said he did it.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I am sure Hazard did it.
C) I used to be friend with Remy.

So who hacked the website?


#1706 - What Am I One Liner

I have eight fingers and two thumb but i do not live. What Am I?

A pair of gloves

#1707 - Haunted House Riddle

To spice up your Halloween, you decide to enter a haunted house with your girlfriend. As you enter, an eerie silence embraces you and you can see nothing because its dark. You fumble your way and try your luck to find the switches, but it turns out to be a waste as there is no electricity connection to the house.

When you decide to turn back, the door closes on you and you are trapped in the house with your girlfriend who has now started panicking.

While you are trying to console her, an evil laughter takes you by surprise. Then, you see a faint figure who tells you that you have three doors in front of you and you must take one of them; it is the only way to free yourself. The figure describes that the first door opens up to a compact space filled with a swarm of deadly bees and you will be stung endlessly by them. The second door opens up to the electricity chairs. You both will be strapped to the chairs for five minutes and exposed to high voltage electricity. The third door opens up with a pit that has no bottom and you will keep falling endlessly into nothingness.

While this leaves you all panicked, which door will you choose if you have no other choice?

You must choose the door that opens with electric chairs. This is because there is no electricity in the house. Thus, you will just have to sit on the chairs for five minutes and then you will be free to go.

#1708 - Matchsticks Tower Riddle

Can you move 4 matchsticks and yet the tower structure remains the same.

Matchsticks Tower Riddle

Check below image to get the answer.

#1709 - Baker Street Murder Mystery

A crime was committed at baker street. Ibrahim Dakota who was shot at stomach was the main suspect. Sherlock questioned the suspect. Conversation started as:
Sherlock: Whats your story Ibrahim?
Ibrahim: I was walking around the baker street and suddenly a man from back shot me. I ran as fast as he could to save my life".
Sherlock: That is enough (and ask the police to arrest him).

Why sherlock things he is the murderer?

If Shot from back, then how can he get the injury at the stomach. Therefore a fake story.

#1710 - Direction Treasure Riddle

Benjamin Franklin Gates was searching the treasure in the sacred town of Owlna, Uttaranchal (India) when suddenly he encounters three way road points towards North, West, and East. Benjamin does not understand where to go. And suddenly notices a local boy.
According to the old saying, a boy from Owlna always reply truthfully, but answer only one question of people they dont know.
What does Benjamin Franklin Gates ask the local boy to figure out the correct direction?

He asks, "If the right direction is not the East, Is it in the West?"

Possible Reply
1. Yes: West is the correct direction
2. No: East is the correct direction
3. I dont know: North is the correct direction