#1711 - Famous Two Barber Riddle

In a particular village, only two barbershops exist.

The first shop has a handsome barber with a neat haircut who is handsomely dressed in clean clothes and is extremely humble with his body language. The place is clean and looks hygienic.

In the second shop, you can find a barber with shabby clothing. His hairs are weirdly cut and his clothes still have the stains from last night dinner. The place is not clean as well and reeks a bit.

You visit the village for the first time and decide to get your haircut. Which barbershop will you like to go for that and why?

If you apply a smile logic, you will prefer going to the second shop.

Since there are only two barbers in the village, it is obvious that the neat and tidy barber must have got his hairs done by the other barber and the barber with a shabby hairstyle and clothes must have visited the barber in the first shop for the same.

Therefore, it is obvious that the barber from the second shop (shabby barber) is better at his profession.

#1712 - Tricky Situation Riddle

My girlfriend and I took a flight to the United States and were able to reach the destination in two and a half hours.

After spending some quality week together, we flew back to our home. However, it took us 150 minutes this time even though the plane flew at the same speed.

Can you find out how?

Two and a half hours are same as 150 minutes.

#1713 - Who Am i Movie Puzzle

In one of the popular batman series movie "Batman Forever", there was a riddle that goes like "Tear me off and then scratch my head and I was red then and now I am back. Who am I?

A matchstick

#1714 - Stairs Colour Riddle

My cousin lives in one story house in Antarctica. His house is made the of-of sandstone. what is the color of stairs?

No stairs in one story building.

#1715 - Dancing Girls Count Puzzle

Niharika is practicing her dance steps along with her friends. In a particular sequence, all of them form a row. At that point, Niharika is standing on the 4th position from either end of the row.
Can you find out how many girls are practicing together?


As Niharika is 4th from either end of the row, it means that 3 girls are on one of her sides and 3 are present on the other.
3 + 3 + 1(Niharika herself) = 7.
Hence, 7 girls are practicing the dance together.

#1716 - Four 3's Biggest Number

What should be the biggest number being formed using Four 3s according to you?

The biggest required number should be: 33^33 (1.2911004e+50)

#1717 - Small Who Am I Riddle

I taste better than I can smell. Who am I?

A Tongue

#1718 - QuickFire Trick Teaser

I have 50-inch long bedsheet, I need to create 50 handkerchiefs each size of 1-inch. I take one minute to cut 1-inch handkerchief. So how long will it take to cut 50 handkerchiefs?

49 seconds. When I made the 49th cut, we left with 1-inch handkerchief which we wont need to cut

#1719 - OneLiner Relationship Riddle

If Ruth daughter is my daughter mom, who am I to Ruth?


#1720 - The Superhero Riddle

The rock knocked me which was underneath me. I was wearing tights and rock did not hit me. Who am I? What is underneath me?

I am Superman and rock is kryptonite