#2221 - Next Number In The Sequence Riddle

Find The Next Number In The Sequence

30 10 15 13 0 16 -15 ?

Next Number In The Sequence Riddle


Its a alternate sequence riddle
30 15 0 -15 (-15)
10 13 16 (+3)

#2222 - Next Number In Pattern Puzzle

what is next number in pattern below

131 517 192 123 ?

Next Number In Pattern Puzzle

space them properly as 13 15 17 19 21 23....

#2223 - Count The Triangles Puzzle

Can You count the number of triangles in the picture below

Count The Triangles Puzzle


#2224 - Tricky Riddle To Ask

Yesterday i fell from 30 feet high ladder but i dont get hurt. Why ?

Tricky Riddle To Ask

I fell from bottom stair

#2225 - LSI Aptitude Interview Question

If 2 workers can complete painting 2 walls in exactly 2 hours.

How many workers would be needed to to paints 18 walls in 6 hours ?

LSI Aptitude Interview Question

6 workers would be required

#2226 - kpit cummins Aptitude Interview Logic Qu

Product of three consecutive numbers are 7980.
Then the sum of these consecutive numbers would be ?

kpit cummins Aptitude Interview Logic Qu


#2227 - rebus picture puzzle for kids

What does this rebus means ?

rebus picture puzzle for kids

Diamond Ring

#2228 - Short Riddle

There is something which is always coming but never arrives ?


#2229 - Rebus For Kids

What does this rebus means ?

Rebus For Kids

One in a million

#2230 - Simple Maths Picture Problem

Replace the question mark with the number of this simple math problem?

Simple Maths Picture Problem