#2231 - Short Maths Riddle

If 5 Rats eat 5 cheese in 5 seconds.

How many seconds would it take 4 Rats to eat 4 cheese ?

Short Maths Riddle

5 seconds

#2232 - Interesting Logic Puzzle

Sweet & very intelligent katty has 8 puppets(Jane Bird Barbie Angel Colleen Nora Lass Missy).
All puppets are of different size. She arrange all puppets to face towards the guest and tell the guess the following clues :

* Jane has three puppets bigger on its left side
* Bird has two puppets smaller on its left side
* Barbie has one puppet bigger on its right side
* Angel has two puppets smaller on its right side
* Colleen has one puppet bigger on its left side
* Nora has one puppet smaller on its left side
* Lass has four puppets bigger on its right side
* Missy has three puppets smaller on its right side

Also some puppets are inside the bigger puppets.

Assuming you are the guest , can you tell the katty how the puppets are arranged ?

Interesting Logic Puzzle

Barbie Nora | Jane Lass | Bird Colleen Missy | Angel

#2233 - Simple Rebus Problem

what does this rebus means ?


work in progress

#2234 - Find the next number in the sequence

Find the next number in the sequence below ?

298 209 129 58

Find the next number in the sequence


298 less 209 is 89
209 less 129 is 80
129 less 58 is 71
58 less -4 is 62
The result of each subsequent equation is 9 less than the previous one.

#2235 - Easy Logic Puzzle

Five lovely ladies(Sophia, Isabella, Madison, Emma and Olivia) planned a picnic.

They each buy one thing each for the picnic.

Sophia, Emma and Olivia got a drink : orange-Juice, apple-juice, and mango-juice.
Olivia got the drink with the same letter as the one in her first name.
Emma loves mango-juice.
The other two bring some food : chocolates and pizza.
Also Madison is allergic to cheese.

So which ladies bought what ?

Easy Logic Puzzle

Sophia : apple-juice
Olivia : orange-Juice
Emma : mango-juice
Madison : chocolates
Isabella: pizza

#2236 - Find The Missing Number

Find the missing number in the image below ?

Find The Missing Number


sum of opposite number is 21

#2237 - Funny Thinking Riddle

The horse jumps over the king.
Strangely there is absolutely no scratch on him.

Can anyone explain, how is this possible ?

Funny Thinking Riddle

Horse And King are chess piece and the above action is a part of a chess game

#2238 - Find the angle of a triangle

In the image below, can you find the the value of an angle(y)

Find the angle of a triangle


#2239 - Rebus Photo Puzzle

What does this rebus photo means ?

Rebus Photo Puzzle

Ready for anything

#2240 - Rebus Problem For Kids

What doest this rebus picture problem means ?

Rebus Problem For Kids

Broken promise