#51 - Engineer Riddle

Look at the figure below. You have three house and there are three utilities below it: W representing water, G representing gas and E representing Electricity. You have to draw a line that gets each utility into every house without crossing the lines. Can you do it?

Engineer Riddle

This puzzle is known as the Turan Brickyard Problem and is a classic one. There is no way that they can be connected without crossing the lines in 2 dimension. However, you can do it if you place the scene in a 3d workplace. See to the figure to understand better.

#52 - Math Image Question

Can you find out the number of the parking space in which the car is parked?

Math Image Question

The parking number is 87. You will know why if you invert the image and then see.

#53 - Hard Next Number In Sequence Picture

Complete the picture sequence ?

Hard Next Number In Sequence Picture



#54 - Easy Matchstick Puzzle

In the given figure, you can see that four match sticks are used to form a square. Can you form five squares by using six matches?

Easy Matchstick Puzzle

Simple answer :=)

#55 - Visual Thinking Puzzle

Ten coins have been arranged as you can see in the given picture. In this arrangement, a triangle is formed pointing upwards. You have to invert the position of the triangle and make it point downwards while just changing the position of 3 coins only.Can you do it?

Visual Thinking Puzzle

See the picture given. It is self-explanatory. Just move the coins as shown and you will get the desired result.

#56 - Matchstick Tricks Puzzle

Can you place six matchsticks in a manner that each of the matchstick is in touch will the other five matchsticks ?

Matchstick Tricks Puzzle

The given solution in the figure is not the only one. Can you find another way?

#57 - Solve The Picture Riddle

Can you arrange the six given marbles in a manner that each one of them is touching all four marbles of different colors?

Solve The Picture Riddle

To make it happen, you must arrange the marbles as the vertices of an octahedron. See the image for reference.

#58 - Deductive Logic Puzzle

In a university, a professor gave a set of three problems to the three brilliant most students of his class. See the image for the questions.

Deductive Logic Puzzle

We know that everybody has got two questions right and one wrong.

Now if the first student got the first question wrong, then the second one must have that question as wrong two since both answers are the same.

Now if that is true, then we are having two different correct answers for the second and third question.

Thus, the first and second student must be correct with the first question.

Keep on applying the same logic and you will reach to the conclusion that the correct answers are:
Two for the first question
Three for the second question and
Two for the third question.

#59 - Cut The Swiss Cross Puzzle

Here is a Swiss Cross. You have to make two straight cuts in the figure so that it is divided into four congruent pieces. Also you should be able to join these pieces into a square then.Can you accept this challenge?

Cut The Swiss Cross Puzzle

You surely would not have thought that this could be that simple. It is like you are just trashing this image after thinking so much. But yeah that's how you have to do it.

#60 - Lateral Thinking Picture Puzzle

Assume the given figure to be a delicious doughnut. Yes, now you can concentrate more on the puzzle. So you have this delicious doughnut in your refrigerator when your friends come knocking at the door. There are eight of them. Now you have to make three cuts in this doughnut so that each one of you nine people can enjoy a piece of it. Neither you nor your friends would mind the size of their piece as long as they are getting it.How will you do it?

Lateral Thinking Picture Puzzle

This is one of the solution how you can do it. There is another way to do it. Run the horses of your mind and find out yourself.