#61 - which alphabet replaces the question mar

If we tell you that there is a relation between the numbers and letters in the given figure, can you analyze it and find the missing letter in the last box ?

which alphabet replaces the question mar

The missing letter in the last box is Z.

Denote each alphabet to the corresponding number. For example, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 and so on. Now you will find that the center digit is actually the product of the alphabets on both sides. In such case, the missing letter is Z.

=>G(7) * Z(26) = 182

#62 - Easy Movie Rebus Riddle

Identify the movie name ?

Easy Movie Rebus Riddle

Pirates of Caribbean

#63 - Matchstick Problem

As you can see that fifteen matches have been used to form an arrangement. What you have to do is remove any six of them to make them ten.Can you do that?

Matchstick Problem

Look at the image and see how we did it.

#64 - Fold The Cube Puzzle

Can you find out if we fold this open cube, what will be the resulting figure?

Fold The Cube Puzzle

The resulting figure will be C.

#65 - Two Identical Picture Puzzle

Out of the nine cats that you can see in the picture, there are only two that are completely identical. Can you find them out?

Two Identical Picture Puzzle

Cats 2 and 4 are identical match. In the picture you can find out how.

#66 - Hard Word Plexer

Which word does the below Plexer means ?

Hard Word Plexer


#67 - Form Squares With Sticks Puzzle

In the given picture, you can find a square in the center and four open squares. Can you form three closed squares by just moving three sticks from their positions respectively?

Form Squares With Sticks Puzzle

We have moved the green sticks from their place to come up with the desired results. Do you know any other way? Feel free to share with us.

#68 - Holiday Rebus Puzzle

Which holiday are we talking about ?

Holiday Rebus Puzzle

He(he-man) + low(down array) + E +N(no)

#69 - Visual Number Series Problem

Solve the number series problem in the picture below ?

Visual Number Series Problem


Center Number = (Top Left Number * Bottom Left Number)/(Top Right Number * Bottom Right Number)
= (30 * 2) / (4*5)
= 3

#70 - Fun Equation Puzzle

You are given the sum of symbols in each row and column in the attached figure. Analyzing the figure, can you find out the value of the symbols?

Fun Equation Puzzle

Value of Circle is 3
Value of Star is 5
Value of Triangle is 4