#161 - Decipher Awesome Picture Puzzle
Can you read this?
Only an awesome person can read this.

Time for your eye test.
How many 3's can you see in the mobile screenshot below.
In comments, also mention the time taken by you to count the 3's.
Can you need to find the five hidden words in this newly painted room?
Can you find the wife of the man?
Women-1 loves licking her ice-cream.
Women-2 loves biting her ice-cream.
Women-3 hates ice-cream.
Can you spot the wife now?
Can you determine the number of laptops that can be charged from the below setup?
- The Wire of the extension cord-1 is broken.
- The extension cord-6 does not have a wire.
- One of the sockets of cord-2 is broken
- The cord-4 with just one socket is of no use.
- Cord-1 will connect to the main switch and one of the sockets will connect to Cord-2.
So two sockets can be used from cord-1.
- One of the sockets of cord-2 will connect to the cord-5 and one of them is useless.
So two sockets can be used from cord-2.
- Cord-5 can use all the sockets, i.e. 4
Total In Use = 2 + 2 + 4 = 8.
Please watch the video for a better understanding
Can you identify the beer glass which will fill first?
Since the beer bottle is closed, No glass will Ever fill.
The video-version of the puzzle is added below.
This hardest chess puzzle can confuse even the best chess players.
What is the best strategy for winning considering you are white and you need to play first with the bishop?
The solution to this hardest chess puzzle is explained in the below video.