#171 - Which Tank Fills up First
If I open a tap, which tank completely fill first?

Tank F.
For an explanation, please visit the video.
If I open a tap, which tank completely fill first?
Tank F.
For an explanation, please visit the video.
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For an explanation, watch the video.
Can you solve the below equation Riddle which is viral over the internet on Facebook?
Watch the video for an explanation.
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How many squares are there in the following figure?
For a detailed explanation, watch the video.
If an infinite supply of water is supplied to tank A, Which tank will fill first?
D & C.
For details, Please check the video.
A hospital is infected with 16 patients. The patient number 13 is recovered from coronavirus and want to say goodbye to all the remaining patient by visiting every patient exactly once.
However, If the recovered patient enters any room twice, he will get infected again.
What path he must take to escape from room-13 to room-4?
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Only 1% of users can solve this puzzle in 10 minutes. Can you?
1 7
X 4
6 8
2 5
9 3
For a better explanation, please watch the video.
Can you draw the below picture without lifting your pencil?
Note: A line can be drawn exactly once.
It can be done as shown in the video below.
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For a detailed explanation, please watch the video.