#71 - Hard Logic Sequence Puzzle

Complete the following series:

1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, __?

Hard Logic Sequence Puzzle

100 will be the next number.

aJust check the spelling of every number. It does not contain the letter T. Thus the next number will be Hundred.

#72 - which alphabet replaces the question mar

If we tell you that there is a relation between the numbers and letters in the given figure, can you analyze it and find the missing letter in the last box ?

which alphabet replaces the question mar

The missing letter in the last box is Z.

Denote each alphabet to the corresponding number. For example, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 and so on. Now you will find that the center digit is actually the product of the alphabets on both sides. In such case, the missing letter is Z.

=>G(7) * Z(26) = 182

#73 - Replace the question mark with the corre

Replace the question mark with the correct number.

2 + 2= 4
3 + 3= 18
4 + 4= ?

6 + 6= 180


2 + 2= 4 (2*2*1)
3 + 3= 18 (3*3*2)
4 + 4= 48 (4*4*3)
6 + 6= 180 (6*6*5)

#74 - Number Sequence

Find the missing number in the sequence ?
3 5/3 7/5 11/7 ? 17/11

3 5/3 7/5 11/7 13/9 17/11

Numerator is prime number series 3,5,7,11 13 17
and Denominator is +2 series 1(1=1/1),3,5,7,9,11

#75 - Relationship Puzzle

Nicholas is my uncle's sister's granddaughter's son. What is the closest possible relationship I can have to Nicholas?

Relationship Puzzle

He's your grandson.

This is because:
Uncle's sister would either be your mother or your aunt. But since you have asked for the closet relation, it would be your mother.
Your mother's granddaughter would be either your daughter or your niece. But daughter is the closest.
Further, your daughter's son is without a fail your grandson.

#76 - Triangle Number Puzzle

Can you find a relation between the given figures and find the missing number?

Triangle Number Puzzle


The center number is the product of the largest cornering numbers minus the square of the smallest one.

Thus the number is:
45 – 16 = 29

#77 - Missing Number Puzzle

Find the missing number in the given picture puzzle.

Missing Number Puzzle

Both 0 and 16 will suffice the missing number.

This is because, there is no specific pattern in this picture. The only thing that you will notice is that the numbers are continuous and jumbled up.
Thus the number can be 0 or 16.

#78 - Hard Next Number In Sequence Picture

Complete the picture sequence ?

Hard Next Number In Sequence Picture



#79 - Math Image Question

Can you find out the number of the parking space in which the car is parked?

Math Image Question

The parking number is 87. You will know why if you invert the image and then see.

#80 - Tricky Number Sequence Puzzle

Analyze and find the missing item in the sequence:
16, 06, 68, 88, __, 98

Tricky Number Sequence Puzzle


This is a bit tricky questions. To solve you must look at the series upside down. It is actually
91, 90, 89, 88, __, 86

So we need 87 in the place of blank. To achieve 87 in an upside down position, the correct answer will be L8.

Thus, the missing item in the series is L8.