#41 - Relationship Riddle

That attorney is my brother, testified the accountant.
But the attorney testified he didn't have a brother.
Who is lying?

Relationship Riddle

Neither, the accountant was his sister.

#42 - Humorous Riddle

To whom do all men take off their hats?

Humorous Riddle


#43 - Funny Problem

A man drove to a hotel and as soon as he got there he was bankrupt. Explain.

Funny Problem

The man was playing Monopoly and when he rolled the dice he landed on a property he could not afford to pay the rent on.

#44 - Difficult Riddle

What does this say? XLR8

Difficult Riddle


#45 - Great Comedy Riddle

When does an British Potato changes its nationality?

Great Comedy Riddle

When it become french fires

#46 - Funny Riddle Joke

The Little ant always confused.Do you know why ?

Funny Riddle Joke

because all his uncles are aunts

#47 - Tricky Maths Question

What do you get if you add 2 to 200 four times?

Tricky Maths Question

202 , 202 , 202 , 202

#48 - Logical Thinking Puzzle

How many cubic feet of dirt are in a hole of one foot deep, three feet long, and two feet wide?

Logical Thinking Puzzle

NONE, holes are empty

#49 - Complicated Riddle

If two's company, and three's a crowd, then whats four and five ?

Complicated Riddle


#50 - QuickFire Riddle

What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

QuickFire Riddle
