#91 - Trick Fun Riddle
James bond was pushed out of an airplane without any parachute.
He survived
How come.?

The plane was at runway
James bond was pushed out of an airplane without any parachute.
He survived
How come.?
The plane was at runway
I was speeding and ran through a stop sign, yet two traffic officers who were there do nothing about it.
why ?
I was running
John Heysham Gibbon was most renowned surgeon of 1940-1970.
More than 90% of his surgeries he performed are highly successful and still almost all of his patients die.
Explain ?
Everyone will done one day or other.since he operated 40yrs ago, there is high chance that most of them are dead now
Manish and Manoj play 5 games of chess.
Both Manish and Manoj win the exact same number of games. There is no tie at all.
They were not playing against each other.
why number 8549176320 is one of a kind ?
All numbers(0-9) appears only once and all in alphabetical order
100 birds were sitting on a tree.
A shooter shoots one of the bird and bird died instantly.
How many left now ?
Only one(dead one), other flew away
There is famous saying 'the more you share the more you get'.
But i know something if your share it, you then don't have it.
What is it ?
A Secret.
I have a clock(12 hour format) and both the needles of clock overlaps at 12:00.
After how much time, they will overlap again ?
After 1hr 5 min (at 01:05)
Dexter has a Black Honda Accord. One of the tires is a flat tire but still he manages to reach the crime scene without replacing the tire. How
The flat tire is a stepney tire.