#81 - Too Short Riddle

Which part of London exists in France as well ?

Too Short Riddle

The letter 'N'

#82 - Classic Old Tricky Riddle

James named his first son Alpha, second Beta, third gamma and fourth Delta. What is the fifth son’s name.

Classic Old Tricky Riddle


#83 - Cow 13 Letters Riddle

I can write cow in 13 letters.

Can You ?

Cow 13 Letters Riddle

See o double you

#84 - Picture Paradox Riddle

Solve the riddle in the picture below

Picture Paradox Riddle

Its a paradox

A paradox is a sentence that contradicts itself and yet might be true

#85 - Sherlock Riddle

Sherlock Homes was challenge to make a pre-drawn line smaller without erasing it. He did it in fractions of seconds. How?

Sherlock Riddle

He drew a long line adjacent to the pre drawn line making the first line smaller.

#86 - Tricky Interview Riddle

In an interview a boy was asked an unusual question 'How two persons sitting with a table in between them cant see each other?' He was unable to reply. Can you?

Tricky Interview Riddle

They were sitting opposite to each other and were not facing each other.

#87 - Simple Trick Riddle

In a jungle where there is no streets lights or any other artificial source of lights, I notice a black snake crossing the road.
How did I get sight of the snake?

Simple Trick Riddle

Its day time

#88 - Top Short Riddle

There is something which you can be arrested for attempting but not for successfully completing ?

Top Short Riddle


#89 - Name The Country Riddle

I know a country, If you remove the last alphabet of its name, it will become a part of your body.

Do you ?

Name The Country Riddle


#90 - Special Thinking Riddle

Today is admin birthday.
His five close friends Nell Edna harish hsirah and Ellen surprised him with party.

What is special with this list of these five names ?

Special Thinking Riddle

If you read the names from last to start, it reads the same